At the end of his monumental biography of Adolf Hitler Ian Kershaw described Hitler as the main author of “the most profound collapse of civilisation in modern times.” We are gazing into the same darkness now and this warning from history should be the most urgent thought in our minds today. The parallels of the New Normal with the Third Reich, dismissed by the mainstream media, are accurate and appropriate. The Third Reich with all its horrors, and the Holocaust happened because ordinary people did nothing to stop it. The same thing is happening today. Everything that is happening today has a parallel in the history of the Third Reich, and we have only to look at that history to see where we are going. Perhaps not in literal form, but certainly in identifiable ways comparable with the aims of the Third Reich.
As far as I have been able to tell, there seems to be no empirical evidence whatever for the existence of a virus called Sars-Cov 2. There is a wealth of thoroughly referenced material available to support this view. (for examples see links below) If true, this makes belief in COVID-19 essentially an act of faith and renders any assertion that it is no more dangerous than seasonal flu, originated in a Wuhan lab, can or cannot be treated with experimental “vaccines,” can or cannot be treated with Ivermectin, does or does not have “deadly variants”, does or doesn’t warrant extreme “measures,” or can or cannot be mitigated by mask-wearing and “social distancing,” utterly redundant. There is a theme running throughout our dialogue that is predicated on the existence of this “virus”. We cannot afford to be so far in acceptance of this. There may or may not be a “virus”. I personally doubt it and would need a heck of a lot of evidence to change my mind.
One problem one has is this: a phenomenon that is experienced only through media is indistinguishable from an illusion. Yet people will react to such an illusion as though it were reality. You only have to remember Orson Welles’ 1938 radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds to find an example. Far more sinister examples of course include the demonisation of the Jews in Nazi Germany. There is no way to awaken the wilfully deluded. And that is what we are dealing with. I know from experience that facts, reasoned argument, or even an exhortation to do some research does not work. I believe that those who have now been programmed by a vast propaganda campaign that has permeated every aspect of our lives are wilfully deluded. They may know, deep inside, that something is profoundly wrong. But they will never admit it to themselves, much less to anyone else. I wish people would stop using this tiresome phrase “cognitive dissonance”, which is to be found everywhere in the New Normal discourse. We are dealing with wilful delusion, and that is the same wilful delusion that characterised the people of Germany in 1933-1945, cult members, religious or political fanatics. We’ve used all sorts of expressions to describe them, “New Normals,” “Zombies” etc. They are quite simply, living a lie. There’s no way of reasoning with such people.
I have a deeply-rooted feeling that the United Kingdom is essentially central in some way to the New Normal project. I can’t prove this: it is centred on the facts that we have been “foremost” in developing “vaccines” throughout this narrative and “at the cutting edge” of research essential to the maintenance of this programme. However, I am sure that the evidence is there, I’ve seen some of it myself provided by Reiner Fuellmich in his investigations but there is simply too much of it to cite here and now. Yet as the darkness gathers, I feel we may be powerless. The reality of this situation, which has become painfully evident in the last months, is that governments possess enormous power and can do whatever they like. Anyone who thinks another lockdown is impossible in the UK is again, wilfully deluded. Of course it’s possible, even probable. So is forced “vaccination,” “vaccine passports” and ultimately, the camps, or some equivalent version of social segregation and slavery. The “camps”, in whatever form they may take, are coming, make no mistake.
I harbour the feeling that this narrative has a finite time to run. Yet history teaches us that dictatorships, totalitarianisms and despotic regimes are never defeated by their oppressed peoples. They eventually implode under the pressure of their own corruption. I believe this one will do the same in about four years. But by that time there may be very little left of the world as we know it. Yet we do not need more dire warnings. We need to know what to do. The most important question to be asked is; what is to be done? It is to be hoped that the entire narrative is beginning to collapse under the weight of its own absurdity, and there is some evidence for this, as more and more people seem to be questioning it, giving further rise to an increased hysteria among the wilfully deluded as they cling ever more assiduously to their belief in a deadly, global pandemic.
Is there anything we can do? I believe there is, and it’s been pointed out many times by others. The answer is simple, but very difficult. It is a mass refusal to participate in the New Normal. It is peaceful non-compliance. This is not a quick fix. It is a long-haul project and it is worth remembering that it took Gandhi something like thirty-three years to achieve Indian independence. I do not believe I am saying anything new: but I do know that if we are to survive, we must be endlessly creative in our methods. For those of us that survive, if there is anybody left, we must think about building another world and, for myself, I have no wish to live in another version of the hierarchic society we have made, in a group or commune dominated by whoever has power granted to them by force, or force of personality, or money.
At any rate, at least one quote
from the past remains in my mind. We will
never surrender.
Britain is now restriction free. I notice this was written in January 2022 but a week is a long time in politics, 2 months is an epoch.
ReplyDeleteNow a very real problem has come along, the Criminal Tsar's war of terror in Ukraine, so it took a war to finally get the UK focused on a real problem, as opposed to a grossly exaggerated virus.
I don't believe your assertions than Covid-19 is a complete hoax, I believe the virus is real, but the reaction is overblown. These things can happen without an elaborate conspiracy, they can happen organically. When people find themselves in a bind, they struggle to find a way out.
The Lockdown establishment, embodied in people such as Chris Whitty and Patrick Valance held more sway, but the sway they held has waned.
Remember what Stalin said regarding the Pope; "How many divisions does he have?"
Truth is that Pope's once wielded enormous power, but faith in Papal infallibility declined, and so did the power Popes wielded.
Faith in Lockdown and restrictions has waned among the UK public, and in turn, so has the power of the Lockdown Establishment.
I am interested to hear you substatiate how the UK is central to this project. UK is now one of few countries to have no restrictions whatsoever. If any country was to be central to it, wouldn't it be China, Japan, South Korea or the other very strict Asian countries.
To be clear, my actual position is similar to yourself. I do not wear a mask, I wholeheartedly support scrapping all restrictions, but I don't believe in any conspiracy.
You're entitled to believe anything you like. For evidence of my "assertions" please see the links at the end of the piece. Also, on re-reading, the piece does not contain an assertion that COVID-19 is a hoax. I believe it may be,but what I actually said is that there seems to be no empirical evidence for its existence. The burden of proof, in actual fact if we follow habeus corpus, is on yourself to substantiate your claim that "the virus is real." What's your evidence for this?
DeleteFurther, you go on to talk about the "criminal tsar." Who are you referring to? Surely you're not going to suggest you think the Russians created the war? Again, look at the evidence.
I said I had a "deeply-rooted feeling" about the UK and its role in this project. I also said I couldn't prove it, but the UK is an island nation and has been at the forefront of too many things such as developing mRNA "vaccines" and arguing for "vaccine passports" plus developing the technology to facilitate this. Don't take my word for it, do your own research. Furthermore I refer you to Dr. Mike Yeadon who has told us that "the same mistakes have been made everywhere." All over the world, so I'm afraid your suggestion that the whole thing is a blunder doesn't hold water.
Are you UK based? Perhaps that could have something to do with your "deeply rooted feeling" that the UK is central to this. I am sure that Australians, French or Chinese would feel that they are central to this.
DeleteAs for your claims that "The “camps”, in whatever form they may take, are coming, make no mistake." I ask is this simply a hunch, or do you have any evidence for this?
My claim that the Virus is real is based on me having had it, tested positive for it, and had what ammounted to the mildest Cold I've ever had. So yes there is a real virus, the virus is real, the hype wasn't. The virus has gone the way of all other viruses, Endemic, just like the Common Cold. It's as real as the Common Cold, and no more harmful.
Rather, I see the opposite happening. Covid has gone from the headlines, all we hear about now is China's muddling through with their inherently flawed Zero Covid Policy.
Rather, the opposite to what you said has transpired, the UK has led the world out of the Pandemic, rather than being central to some new project.
As for Criminal Tsar, it shouldn't take a genius to figure out who I am referring to.
For Tsar, I would ask if you believe that a system with rigged elections wherein credible opponents are at best barred from running, at worse shot, and power is concentrated in the office of one man, does this accord with Republican principles?
As for Criminal, I refer to the events of the past few months.
I have conversed with Qanon believers who as a rule support Russia, so I am familiar with the pro-Russia arguments I hear from conspiracy theorists.
I am not saying you are a Qanon believer, but when you ask "Surely you're not going to suggest you think the Russians created the war?" this sounds suspiciously like a Conspiracy Theory, as though there are some Global Puppet Masters behind Putin who prodded him into invading an unprovoked attack.
Why don't you address the Russia issue in a separate blog post.
How is UK Central to this? Who is behind this?
ReplyDeleteNot putting words in your mouth, but normally on tracts like this the word global, followed by, elite, normally occurs.
Who gains from this? At least try to ascribe a rationale. It doesn't have to be moral, there is nothing moral about lockdowns or any of this, but please try to ascribe some kind of logic, no matter how immoral.
See my reply to the comment above.
DeleteDr Mike Yeadon has made many claims regarding Vaccines that have been proven to be false. He claimed that Dose Ranging studies were not performed on the vaccines, false. They went through different trials with varied dosing regimens.
ReplyDeleteHe claimed that is unsafe for pregnancy. False. There are over 200,000 women who have taken the vaccine during pregnancy with no negative side effects.
Mike Yeadon has also made false claims on Forced Vaccination. There is no forced vaccination. Some job roles or travel requirements may require it, but the decision to be vaccinated lies with the individual.
Do you feel forced to be vaccinated? If so, on what basis?