Sunday, March 28, 2021



So here we are: the “vaccine passports” the British Government, with characteristic disingenuousness told us it had “no plans to introduce”(1) will soon be a reality. This of course should come as no surprise, arriving as it does on the back of a plethora of demands from politicians and mainstream media for a policy of coercive “vaccination.”  You may remember Piers Morgan’s infamous tweets: “Love the idea of covid vaccine passports for everywhere: flights, restaurants, clubs, football, gyms, shops etc. It’s time covid-denying, anti-vaxxer loonies had their bullsh*t bluff called & bar themselves from going anywhere that responsible citizens go.”, (2) and from 2020, “To all the anti-vaxxer Covidiots predictably now screaming that they won’t have the jab, let me say this: a) If it’s approved then I will have it done live on TV. b) If you refuse to have it then no more flying for you, and no using the NHS if you get covid. Deal?”(3) plus Tony Blair’s call in the Mail on February 13th for Britain to “lead the way” in developing “some sort of Covid passport.” (4) “We should plan for an agreed passport now,” he insisted. “The arguments against it really don’t add up.” Somewhat rich, you may feel coming from a man who led Britain into a probably illegal war in Iraq on questionable evidence. Even the Telegraph shamelessly published an article calling for changes in law to facilitate a “no jab, no job” policy (5) for employers.We can now expect, in the not-too-distant future, for the “vaccine” to be declared mandatory, after the British Government has told us it has “no plans to make vaccination compulsory.” (6). In law at present, compulsory vaccination doesn’t exist, as explained in an article by Louise Hooper of Garden Court Chambers  who states, “social media concerns that changes to the law mean that the government has the power to force vaccines or other medication on you are wrong and unfounded.”(7) One suspects Ms. Hooper may soon be forced to eat her words.It is impossible to overstate the enormity of such a monstrous development. We must be clear on what this implies: removal of the right to make informed choices about invasions into our living bodies, removal of the right to refuse to be the subject of medical experimentation. This is what the “vaccine” amounts to, simply because nothing like it has ever been developed before, as admitted by Horizon, the EU Research and Innovation Magazine which stated in April 2020,  “If an mRNA vaccine was approved for coronavirus, it would be the first of its type.” (8) This seems to be at odds with the claim in The Conversation made on 18th February  that, “The mRNA technology that was used in the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines has existed for more than a decade and is not new in the vaccine development field.” (9) One would have to stretch a point to reconcile these two statements.  There can be no doubt that its provenance is extraordinary given the fact that vaccines normally take more than ten years to develop and go through several stages of rigorous testing, (10) which in this case, has not been done. (11) It also functions in a manner never tried before, gene manipulation (see 8) This alone renders the “vaccine” de facto experimental. There are several incontestable references to international and historic protocol which make it clear that forced or coercive medical procedures, especially of an experimental nature, are unacceptable, for example, the Nuremberg Code, which  contains as its first principle “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential” (12), possibly unlawful given Hooper’s advice above, and in view of Article 7.3.2 of the declaration by the Council of Europe of which we are still a member, that member states should  “ensure that no one is discriminated against for not having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be vaccinated” (13) unethical, violating Article 6 of UNESCO’S Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights, (14) and utterly monstrous. Vaccine passports were previously dismissed as “conspiracy theory”. They now threaten to become a reality very soon.

The United Kingdom, has, throughout this “crisis,” been at the “forefront” in showing Europe, if not the world, how to turn a free democracy into a brutal totalitarian state almost overnight. The entire Covid-19 narrative has been characterised by fearmongering and censorship, unprecedented cancellation of our everyday liberties, a visual stigma (forced face-mask wearing) and enforced detention, such as the “quarantine” measures put in place for UK arrivals.  It has also encompassed a campaign of demonisation aimed at lockdown opponents and Covid-sceptics as “deniers,” “conspiracy theorists” and “anti-vaxxers”, all meaningless, etymologically unsound epithets intended to render anyone questioning what’s going on as subhuman in the public’s eyes, in preparation for the next phase.

Forced or coercive vaccination has a horrible feeling about it of being the beginning of the Final Solution, and its implementation is now imminent. Those going online celebrating having been “vaccinated”, would quite possibly, in 1942,  have walked into the gas chamber telling themselves it was a shower.

You don’t have to be opposed to vaccines as such to see that this is profoundly wicked, profoundly wrong. You don’t even have to be opposed to this particular vaccine. But you should, and indeed, it is your duty as a free citizen and a defender of democracy, to oppose forced or coercive vaccination. If you are tempted to respond by saying, “Why should you have the same privileges as me, such as flying, going to the theatre etc when you haven’t had the vaccine?” may I remind you that these are not “privileges” at all but our fundamental rights in a free democracy. They are non-negotiable. They are not codicils dependent on invasive medical procedures that may be unsafe. Furthermore, if we allow this, inevitably, our freedoms will further become circumvented by technocratic doctrines like “carbon footprints.” You may in time, be asked to submit to some other procedure that worries you, for example  in the case of  yourself  or a loved one contracting a debilitating and incurable  illness, to a presumption of consent to euthanasia. Granted, I have no real evidence for such a statement and offer it as an illustration of the basic precept which underpins forced vaccines. But then again, only a year ago, forced quarantines, endless lockdowns, forced face-masks, hate campaigns against sceptics and vaccination passports did not exist.

The game is up. We can no longer focus on the question of whether current policies are appropriate or proportionate, whether lockdowns work, how deadly SARS-COV-2 is or which “science” to believe in. We, the people, whatever our views on all of the above, now have a duty to stop forced and coercive vaccination because it’s coming, and it’s coming soon. It isn’t enough for the government to say it has no plans to make “vaccination” compulsory. It also needs to take positive steps to make sure that it does not become either coercive or forced. If you accept that, what is coming next?

If  you are ready for this battle, here’s how you can help. Sign the open letter by Save our Rights calling for a Health Freedom Bill. (15) Write to your MP with this as a template. Sign a petition that calls for a Freedom Bill. If you can’t find one, start one. Tell your friends and ask some questions: a good starting point is OffGuardian’sFive Questions to ask your Friends who plan to get the Covid Vaccine,(16) if only to  encourage them to make informed choices. I’d be the last to try and stop them after all. But most of all, ask yourself and your family and friends Should medical experimentation be conducted only with your express consent? If the answer to that is “yes,” the case for coercive vaccination instantly vanishes. Demonstrate if you have to. The hangman is now at the gate. Don’t listen to the democracy and freedom-deniers in the MSM, the baiters like Morgan, or the vaccine press-gangs.

Time is running out. Coercive “vaccination” is already here, the logical outcome of this project is mandatory vaccination. Stop it. Before it’s too late. We cannot afford to lose this battle.












(12) -1





  1. I notice this blog was written nearly 6 months ago. At present we have no forced vaccination plan, however, we do have a carrot and stick approach.
    So far, it appears that travel is the main area of coercion. If you wish to travel to certain countries, you are required to provide proof of vaccination, failing to do so can result in having to endure a quarantine. This in itself is not forced vaccination.
    The most explicit policy on this so far is the issue of proof of vaccination required to enter nightclubs.
    One could argue that this in itself makes sense. They are enclosed environments, apt breeding ground for the virus, so proof of vaccination is not an unreasonable request.
    You raise some interesting points, though I do not directly see evidence of forced vaccination.

    1. Hi. I wrote this when "vaccine passports" were mooted in the UK following prior statements that there were "no plans" to do so. Also, the point of the piece, which you seem to have missed, is that unless we are vigilant, forced vaccination will soon become a reality. Further, since that time, care workers are now being forced to choose between "vaccination" and their jobs. Lastly, the idea that anyone should have to provide "evidence of vaccination" to travel anywhere is profoundly illiberal. Though I've had inoculations for travel before, they certainly weren't compulsory. You appear to support this policy. Events always overtake speculation.

    2. I don't support the policy of Forced Vaccination, however, there are certain carrot and stick approaches which we cannot avoid. It all depends on the extent to which you are willing to forego certain pleasures in order to avoid Vaccination. At present that is limited to Nightclubbing, but inevitably it will be more.
      Maybe I am illiberal? Is that a bad thing? Viktor Orban wears the badge illiberal with pride.
      In the days of the USSR people would use the label anti Socialist as a smear.
      I don't know if the term illiberal is a smear or not.

    3. Forced Vaccination I object to on principle.
      However, at present there is incentivized vaccination rather than forced Vaccination. So far in UK this applies only to Nightclubs, though it ought to have applied to Festivals also.
      Whether we like it or not, certain professions require certain medical precautions. Truck drivers, a current ongoing issue, require up to date general medical checks.
      The issue with the Pandemic is that it is a public health matter. It is about mitigating the spread of the virus, or at least that is what sensible countries are aiming for, as opposed to the outdated and impossible Zero Covid Policy pursued by Australia, New Zealand, China and other East Asian countries.
      Vaccination helps with mitigating the virus and helping us achieve what is realistic, to simply live with the virus.
      However, having researched the vaccine I see no reasonable argument against it, or at least not Pfizer or Moderna. Astra Zeneca is more questionable.
      So far I have seen no clear case against the vaccine as a whole, though I am open to reasonable arguments.


  3. Above is the Washington Post article concerning policies that require one to be vaccinated to be eligible for Organ Transplants. It is in America, but I could just as easily see it happening in UK.

    1. Should not certain professions require vaccination, such as healthcare?
      This makes sense both in principle and from a practical point of view.



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