“Help stop the spread of coronavirus.”
Think about what that means for a moment. The most casual examination of this phrase reveals that these six words add up to the most futile proposition conceivable in the current times. A virus that in six weeks has paralysed the entire human race, has spread to every imaginable corner of the globe, has affected, directly or indirectly, every single living human being on earth. This is an event unparalleled in human history which has shut down civilisation to an extent that until now has existed only in science-fiction novels. And there is a distinct possibility, at least in the minds of the public, that this “emergency” may never end and that everyone now living, at least over the age of 40, will reach the end of their lives in the shadow of coronavirus.
And yet we are still being told there is something we can do to “help stop the spread of coronavirus.” This expression has now replaced “Save the planet,” as the only, entire, complete and overarching purpose of human existence in the propaganda machines of the state, big government and big business. It is quite clear that nothing on earth can stop the spread of coronavirus, just as nothing on earth could appease climate alarmists’ empty and impossible demands. “Help stop the spread of coronavirus” actually means something quite other than it seems to, just as “Save the planet” did. There may be something we can do to slow the spread of the virus down, but we are rapidly reaching the point at which further attempts to do this must be balanced against the damage we are doing to the civilisation and society we have, for better or worse, created.
In fact both expressions amount to the same thing. Stop humanity. Close down every aspect of human behaviour, endeavour, commerce, culture and interaction. Centralise all wealth creation and redistribute it in a manner that stifles human creativity. Track and monitor every single living human being on earth, which every liberal thinker has protested about for decades when practiced only by regimes perceived as authoritarian. Create a climate of introverted fear and societal loathing that convinces everyone that all natural human behaviour is an implicitly sociopathic, disrespectful, criminal act worthy of the deepest opprobrium and contempt. There is no doubt in my mind that climate alarmists will try to exploit this “crisis” in order to suggest lockdowns are made either permanent or lead to ongoing and irreversible societal changes that end for all time, normal social and creative human behaviour, sacrificing every natural inbuilt instinct to a kind of utilitarian world view in which the only perceived values we have are “Save the Planet” and “Help stop the spread of coronavirus.” The first is a meaningless and deeply dishonest anti-human crusade. The second is simply impossible and has already failed. Articles for the American Council on Science and Health, and the Lancet, both powerfully argue that continuing as we have been so far may not work.
I believe that “Help stop the spread of coronavirus” is a failed tactic that needs to be abandoned if we are to have any hope whatever of avoiding the alternative: the emergence of a monstrously dystopian world state, a thing that could conceivably be upon us in less than ten years.
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