It is all too evident that a second UK national lockdown, which commentators too numerous to mention have said that we cannot survive economically or psychologically, is imminent. The mass media has been busy hyping up the “second wave” now for weeks, and friends and family of mine are now all telling each other the same thing. It is worth mentioning that the UK death toll from “Covid-19” recorded on September 8th is 30, that for Sweden, wait for it, zero. As we know, Sweden has stopped well short of the measures taken in the UK. Lockdown doesn’t work! I say this as if I actually believe in “Covid-19” as an existential threat, which I don’t, but even if I did, I would still be sure that lockdown doesn’t work.
At what point does one become suspicious and begin to question an established official narrative? Now I always have and always do, I’m wired that way: I don’t run with the pack. But I don’t do so blindly and I suspect that this is true of most of us. In this case I believed there was every reason to assume a genuine threat at the beginning of the “pandemic,” expecting it to last a few months. I first became suspicious when statements appeared in the mainstream media to the effect that “life cannot go back to normal until there is a vaccine.” There were further pretentions that it would take eighteen months to develop one. Stop and think about this for a moment. “Until there is a vaccine,” presupposes that one exists or is possible. This statement actually goes much further than that in that it postulates a vaccine as a certainty. How can anyone be that sure? This has never been suggested to the best of my knowledge in the past about any disease. I remember the emergence of AIDS in the 1980’s and can recall no such postulation made at that time. Not only that, but we are actually given a timeline for this vaccine to appear. And what is more it seems we have now managed to develop one in six months which to me is the medical equivalent of developing an atomic bomb a month after reading Einstein’s general theory of relativity. I won’t go on into the worries this raises about testing and commercial availability, but the deeply suspicious nature of the entire “vaccine” narrative must by now be obvious.
My suspicions were finally confirmed and any faith I might have had in the official narrative destroyed by the next stage, forced face-mask wearing, of which more shortly. One of the most obvious signs of a lie is one that anyone who has seen a courtroom drama or read a detective story will know: the story keeps changing, and there can be little doubt that the UK Government’s narrative about Covid-19 has altered almost daily. I’m sure most of us can remember it: “Herd Immunity” soon gave way to “containment.” “Flatten the Curve”, now it has demonstrably been achieved has become “Get ready for the second wave.” “Don’t wear face masks” became “Wear a face mask or else.” I have actually heard reports of people being advised to wear face masks while making love. Another way of spotting lies is when things are hidden from us, as has been the case with some methodological reports demonstrating that face masks don’t work.
Again from experience I have come to know that wearing a face mask erodes your sense of self and your identity. Gradually, it gives rise to a sense of belonging to some sort of Borg-like collective awareness, an almost insectile mass compliance which is the overarching characteristic of totalitarian states. The emerging “new normal” is almost entirely dependent on this mass compliance, and face-mask wearing is the most significant pillar of this, but it is built on sand. In other words, if you’re wearing a face-mask your humanity is being taken from you. Face-mask wearers, I contend, are actually rendering themselves subhuman, and surrendering to mass compliance.
Yet another characteristic of a fake narrative is its predictability. It was not hard to predict the forcing of facemasks on us. Nor was it hard to predict the miracle emergence of a “vaccine”.
As many have now noted, the parallels in what we are now witnessing with Nazi Germany and the mechanics of the Holocaust are all too evident. We have had an Enabling Act (the Coronavirus Act 2020) a visible stigma that in Germany was a yellow star, (face masks) censorship (fact checkers, stigmatisation of dissent) mass events ( the now-defunct Clap for Carers) and most frightening of all, presently in New Zealand, forced detention centres ( the camps) No-one seems to know how long people are being detained in these places, or what is being done to them. We do not really know how figures for “Covid-19” deaths are being produced, and for all we know they could be plucked out of thin air. But this constant flux of figures is being used to justify “emergency measures” which, it is increasingly obvious, will in all probability, never be lifted unless they are replaced with some sort of total surveillance mechanism from which there is absolutely no refuge. I was anxious about the “virus” when this all started, but that’s nothing to the terror I feel of what is to come in the name of this “pandemic,” and the emergence of the new totalitarianism. In recent conversations I’ve begun to use the word “endgame” to describe what is happening. For as I write, in face of a catastrophic collapse of Western economies, the “climate emergency” lobby is trying to ramp up its alarmist message to ensure that we never return to pre-pandemic levels of prosperity and freedom, demanding that all vehicles run by large companies are electric and punitive taxes on flying. We can no longer have any faith in government and we are deep in this “endgame,” the cessation of all normal human activity.
Fundamental questions need to be asked as media narratives continue to clash with the evidence of everyday experience, chief among these is this: Do you personally know anyone who has had Covid-19 and been on a respirator? I have asked this question many times and have never received a “yes” answer.
Governments only have as much power as we are willing to give to them. There is very little time, if any, left for us to realise the feebleness of the (increasingly led by the odious Nicola Sturgeon) UK Goverrment’s case . The weakness as I’ve said, of face-masks as a control mechanism is that it relies on mass compliance. The other mechanisms, contact tracing, social distancing, also rely on mass compliance but are less easily demolished than mask-wearing. Many of us may remember the slogan of anti-war demonstrators: “Suppose they gave a war and nobody came?”
I would be the first to agree with you that neither Lockdowns nor Mask work. However, we are witnessing the stubborn resistance of establishments to adjust to realities on the ground.
ReplyDeleteWhy does the Establishment resist change whenever necessary? Vested interests!
One can argue this from both a Leftwing and Rightwing perspective.
On the Right Conservatives would cite the inability of Unions to adjust to more competitive practices, ranging from introduction of new technology to the necessary closure of loss making industries.
From the Left, it is easy to point out many establishments that resist necessary change. Wall Street and its international counterparts have used their warchest of campaign contributions to Lobby for deregulation of the Financial Sector, leading to the Crash of 2008.
Advocates of Global Warming would cite the Supermajors funding anti global warming science (perfectly viable science in my view).
As an Academic myself I am aware of how Academia is full of prejudice that resists ideas. If you want that Doctoral Dissertation approved you best not upset the Applecart too much by challenging that panels firmly entrenched beliefs.
I have witnessed this with Economics, and I see every instance that so called Pandemic policy is resistant to emerging realities and supports tried and failed policies.
If Human nature was more adaptable I would be more optimistic. However, my experience points me toward a more pessimistic outlook.