Monday, January 18, 2021



ON THE evening of October 30, 1938, American radio listeners heard a series of announcements describing attacks by beings from another world and eventually a full-scale invasion that repelled every attempt to contain it. Thousands fled their homes to escape. They had missed the introduction to a radio play, Orson Welles’ celebrated dramatisation of H G Wells’ The War of the Worlds, and taken it for a news broadcast. It suits modern journalists to debunk the ‘panic’ story as a media myth, but there is plenty of anecdotal evidence that a significant number of people were worried despite the fact that they hadn’t seen or heard any Martians, nor did they have any other reason to believe they were under attack than the radio. It is evident that people will react with alarm to a sensational news story without clear evidence of its basis in reality. Now, with the media more powerful than ever, we are living through a terror based on the premise of a deadly plague that cannot be treated, constantly mutates, spreads without symptoms and to which there is only one answer: total global human atrophy.

 I am convinced beyond reasonable doubt that the ‘pandemic’ in any meaningful and practical sense does not exist. It has been measured by a PCR test that its inventor declared unfit for diagnostic purposes with a false positive rate that renders it virtually useless. It is based on computer models that time and time again have been proved to be wildly inaccurate. It is unclear where the UK Government gets its figures from. The nucleotide chain of Covid-19 cannot be positively identified. It has not been isolated according to the Koch postulates. Koch postulates - Google Search I know no one, nor does anybody in my extended circle know anyone, who has been admitted to hospital with Covid. In our daily reality, there is no evidence for a pandemic. None whatsoever.

The pandemic narrative does not require evidence. Like all "science-based" fear narratives, this one tries to intimidate us all into thinking the burden of evidence is on those of us convinced something is wrong to prove it.   It isn't. No more facts and figures. The fallacy is exposing itself. Enough!



Koch postulates - Google Search



One thing I am certain of is that we can no longer afford to go on listening to the British Government. Look at their record: in March 2020, we were told to ‘stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.’ It’s only going to be for three weeks, they said, to ‘flatten the curve.’ Ten months later: ‘Now there’s a vaccine, we can look at easing restrictions by Easter.’ A third lockdown is here, a fourth looms and the Easter promise just isn’t going to happen. You can bet your bottom dollar that by then this Government will be making more empty promises about being out of this by 2022.   Broken word after broken word. Excuse after excuse. A husband in a divorce case with a record this dire would be called ‘abusive’.  There is only one word for it: lies.


With dreary predictability, the UK Government has pursued the same path, more lockdowns, more restrictions. Whatever we do, however much we go along with the game, however many times we change our behaviour to follow the rules, the result is the same: more lockdowns. There is now no escape from Devil’s Island Britain.


The logical fallacies of this entire narrative are so glaringly self-evident that to explain them is a daunting task. For example: ‘Help Stop the Spread of Coronavirus’. You might as well instruct the public to ‘Help Stop Death’. Meaningless and impossible. ‘No return to normal without a vaccine.’ This is preposterous. At no time in history has anyone ever postulated a vaccine as the only way out of a health emergency, especially at the beginning of it. How in the world has a ‘vaccine’ managed to emerge in six months? This has never been achieved in history.  ‘This can’t go on for ever.’ I see no reason whatsoever to believe this. Governments can keep this up for as long as they like. And it is all too clear that that is precisely what they intend to do. Whether this is all a conspiracy or not is irrelevant:  the only logical way for us to react to it is as though it were. Otherwise we'll just keep hoping in vain to be released.


What is coming next? If you’ve read this far you know as well as I do. A war on humanity that will simply go on and on with all the might and violence of the state.  Forced incarceration. More censorship. More rules. Face-masks made compulsory outdoors. More ‘mutations’ and ‘waves’. More ‘pandemics’. Elections suspended.  Forced or coercive ‘vaccination’.  Martial law. Almost total unemployment. Mass homelessness. The end of money. The end of international travel. The disappearance of the High Street. The end of pubs and restaurants. Business, education and entertainment permanently relegated online. Finally, a population of robots who think they are free. And if you think all of that is fantastic and paranoid, what would you have said a year ago to the idea of endless lockdowns, media censorship, forced or coercive mass testing, forced face mask wearing and forced isolation, all of which has happened and is not going away?


 As I tried to explain at the beginning of this essay, it is beyond question that people will believe without evidence. If this were not so, belief in God would not exist. The existence of religious belief is concrete testimony of the capacity of humanity to believe something without evidence.


The way out, if there is one, is not clear. Mass resistance to clog up the courts. General strikes. Mass removal of students from schools. Petitions. Debates. Barter economies. But this is almost certainly a fantasy. I cannot find hope in ‘the people’. Just maybe with lateral-flow-testing replacing PCR, with commercial interests eventually becoming more urgent than ‘safety’, with elections making this all a political football, governments can be persuaded to dig themselves out of this mess.

But we can’t rely on hope alone. The truth is, we’ve lost. You can’t fight the state, and the idea that we can has been exposed for the empty myth it is. Britain is now one of the world’s worst dictatorships and we are going to have to learn how to survive and adapt to life in a totalitarian state.  



  1. Several months on to what extent do you believe that this is still the case? Masks have gone, pubs and restaurants are back, and Covid is disappearing from the headlines (exception being the BBC).

  2. How is Britain now one of the world's worst dictatorships?
    Britain never implemented Draconian travel policies like Australia, New Zealand etc. Britain never implemented outdoor mask mandates like France or other European countries. Britain never strongly enforced stay at home policies during lockdowns.
    Explain how Britain is worse than any of the aforementioned countries and you may be close to having a point.



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