Question 1
Which of the following best describes the capacity in which you are
responding to this call for evidence?
I am an individual.
Question 2
In your view, what are the key considerations, including opportunities and
risks, associated with a potential COVID-status certification scheme? We would
welcome specific reference to:
a) clinical / medical considerations
I quote from the website of the UK Government:
“As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer
considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK.”
The vaccines have not completed Phase
3 trials and are therefore de facto experimental. (see below)
The vaccines use unprecedented gene
therapy technology for which long-term adverse effects cannot possibly have
been assessed.
The survival rate of this alleged
disease is known to be roughly 99.97%. It is difficult to understand why it is
still regarded as a significant health threat.
There is considerable concern among
the British public that the vaccines are harmful, and considerable evidence of adverse
There are many people with justifiable concerns
about the vaccines or who may not be able to take them. These include pregnant
women, individuals with allergies, people with long-term health issues, or
individuals with neurological, psychological, emotional or cognitive
disabilities which mean they are unable to make informed choices.
b) legal considerations
will be aware that the Nuremberg Code 1947, created after World War II with
regard to medical experimentation, states that:
1. The
voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that
the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so
situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the
intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, over-reaching, or
other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient
knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved, as
to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
will be aware that the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of
Europe, of
which the UK remains a member, passed Resolution 2361 on 27
January 2021,
Paragraph 7.3.1 and 7.3.2 in which it was stated that member stages are urged
“Ensure that citizens are informed that the
vaccination is NOT mandatory and that no one is politically, socially, or
otherwise pressured to get themselves vaccinated, if they do not wish to do so
Ensure that no one is discriminated against for not
having been vaccinated, due to possible health risks or not wanting to be
vaccinated. “
You will also be aware that UNESCO’s Universal
Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights (2005) Article 3 states:
‘1. Human dignity, human
rights and fundamental freedoms are to be
fully respected.
2. The
interests and welfare of the individual should
have priority over
the sole interest of science or society.’
You will be aware, or should be aware, that an
analogous scheme being rolled out in Israel has apparently been referred to the
International Criminal Court of the Hague. Significantly, mainstream media
outlets are attempting to cast doubt on the veracity of this, however I see no
reason to regard the story as false. That such a discussion exists at all is
significant and informative.
There are several articles in the UN Universal
Declaration of Human Rights that may be infringed by this proposed development.
The Equalities Act 2010 prohibits discrimination on
the grounds of disability. There are many categories of this that would render
a “vaccination passport” illegal on the grounds that an individual cannot be
vaccinated owing to a health condition.
c) operational / delivery considerations
It is worrying that this question is being asked.
There is a clear implication contained therein of technological developments
being considered to facilitate such a scheme. By their very nature, such
technologies constitute a surveillance mechanism with the potential to be
extended into every aspect of the daily lives of UK citizens. It also implies
an exponential and unrealistic expansion of automated technologies and
mechanisms to restrict access to public services and spaces. Such developments
may take decades and the implications for these on society are profound.
d) considerations relating to the operation of venues that could use a
potential COVID-status certification scheme
The UK Government, the NHS and the developers of
the vaccines have stated in public that the vaccines do not prevent contraction
or spread of Sars-Cov-2. Therefore in light of this, and the answer to Part C
of Question 2, this is an entirely irrelevant question. It is difficult to
avoid the conclusion that the question is intended to encourage businesses to
consider policing such a scheme. To do so
could impact negatively on their costs and footfall to an unacceptable
e) considerations relating to the responsibilities or actions of
employers under a potential COVID-status certification scheme
The implications of this question are profound. In law, at present,
there is no requirement for an employer to demand medical treatment as a
condition of employment. The Public Health (Control of Disease Act) 1984 provides that any individual cannot be required to undergo medical
treatment, including vaccination. This alone renders employers liable to discrimination claims under the
Act and the Equalities Act.
f) ethical considerations
This proposal represents a fundamental shift in the
relationship between the citizen and the state. It also renders every aspect of
the lives of UK citizens subject to medical intervention. The implications of
this for future developments in medical ethics and for future generations
cannot be overstated. It seeks to override the fundamental existential right of
anyone to make choices regarding their own bodies and persons. This is the
beginning of a medically based apartheid and in considering this, one is reminded
of the practices in Germany during the regime of National Socialism, of
stamping Jewish passports with a “J”, forcing Jewish people to register their
identities as Jewish, and to wear a yellow star identifying themselves as
Jewish. This was based on their immutable biological and ethnic origins, and
this development would have virtually identical implications for those who have
for whatever reason, declined the “vaccines.” It is not too great an
exaggeration in my view, to draw a
direct parallel between this development and the beginnings of the Holocaust.
g) equalities considerations
As stated in Question 2(a), a “vaccination
passport” is in direct contravention of all previous policies regarding
discrimination. It is also in direct contravention of the Equalities Act. There
can be no doubt that it violates every principle of a society based on equal
treatment for all.
h) privacy considerations
One’s medical status and history is entirely
confidential. It is not the business of employers, shopkeepers, police officers
or anyone aside from a medical practitioner to enquire into this.
Question 3
Are there any other comments you
would like to make to inform the COVID-status certification review?
It is highly
significant that previous
enquiries regarding the worrying possibility of “vaccination passports” met
with the response that the UK Government had “no plans” to introduce them.
Clearly, this was a disingenuous statement that cannot be regarded as providing
confidence for the future. It is worrying that the Prime Minister has been on
broadcast media stating quite clearly that he expects these to become a factor
of public life, for example to gain access to public houses.
In historic
terms, the present Government has already presided over the most illiberal
state policies since the time of Cromwell. Further developments of this nature
can only exacerbate this now-entrenched historic position. “Vaccination
passports” violate every humanitarian, liberal, ethical, theological, legal and
social precept on which our society is founded. There is no place in a
civilised society for such unmitigated barbarism in the name of an alleged
disease which the UK Government has already declared to be “no longer a high
consequence infectious disease.”
To what extent is Covid Certification a profitable business? It was Joseph Schumpeter who introduced the concept of Creative Destruction. While certain businesses are destroyed, others, potentially more innovative, will arise from the destruction process.
ReplyDeleteSo far we have seen small businesses thrown against the wall, the travel industry decimated, however, lucrative deals for big pharma and the shadowy data mining industry are abound.
However, people with pre-existing networks and investments are already benefitting. The solution is to keep an open eye, look for the signs of potential benefit, expose and question.
Hello Humanist, do you have any thoughts on Covid Booster Jabs?